Setting up webhooks

This page will show you how to setup a webhook to receive events.

To receive events, you need to set up a webhook. One customer can only set up one Webhook.

This page will explain how to set up a webhook and has the following sections:

Creating a webhook

This is how to create a webhook:

curl {baseURL}/webhooks  
-H "Authorization:your-api-key"  
-H "Content-type: application/json"  
-d '{
  "url": "",
  "webhookKey": "Any key"

An explanation of all fields can be found here


HTTPS only

The webhook URL provided must be over HTTPS. If the webhookKey is not provided one will be gererated for you.

The response will look like this

  "id": "id of the new webhook",
  "url": "url of the webhook",
  "webhookKey": "Key for the webhook",
  "traderId": "id of the trader",
  "webhookEvents": [

Getting all webhooks

This is how to get all the webhooks:

curl {baseURL}/webhooks?traderId={traderId}  
-H "Authorization:your-api-key"  
-H "Content-type: application/json"  

The response will look like this

  "webhooks": [
      "id": ":webhook_id",
      "url": ":webhook_url",
      "webhookKey": ":webhook_key",
      "traderId": ":trader_id",
      "webhookEvents": [