idString, Yordex generated
UUID that is unique for this account
providerString, mandatory
The name of the bank holding this account. Please contact us for a list of all providers available to you
statusString, Yordex generated
The boarding status for this trader. See possible values below.
nameString, mandatory
Your display name for this account
currencyString, mandatory
The currency of this account
balanceInCentsNumber, Yordex generated
The current balance of this account in cents
bankAccountObject, Yordex generated
. accountHolderNameString, Yordex generated
Name of the account holder
. iban, accountNumber, accountType, bankCode, bic, branchCode, bsbCode, ifscCode, institutionNumber, routingNumber, sortCode, swiftCode, taxRegistrationNumber, transitNumberString, Yordex generated
Bank details information. This uses the same values as documented in the traders fields
Boarding StatusDescription
ACTIVATEDThe account is fully activated and ready to use
REQUESTEDMore information is required before the account can be activated