Field | Description |
id | String, Yordex generated UUID that is unique for this tab |
name | String, optional The name of this tab |
userId | String, optional The id of the user who this tab belongs to |
tabFilter | String, mandatory A regular expression indicating which events are included in this tab. See Using tabs for an explanation of how to write this expression |
status | String, Yordex generated The status of this tab. See the possible values below. |
results | Array, Yordex generated An array of all results. Results are grouped by currency. |
. currency | String, Yordex generated The currency for this set of results |
. currencyComponent | Number, Yordex generated Indicates how many numbers at the end are reserved for cents. For most currencies this will be “2” : they have 2 digits so 100 cents. Some currencies have 0, 1 or 3 numbers. You will find a full list of supported currencies and their exponents here |
. amountInCents | Number, Yordex generated The sum of the amountToBePaidInCents for all the events included in this tab with this currency |
. receivedAmountInCents | Number, Yordex generated The sum of the receivedAmountInCents for all the events included in this tab with this currency |
. events | Array, Yordex generated List of all events included in this tab with this currency as the orderCurrency. For every event, the orderId and eventId are listed. |
Tab status | Description |
OPEN | The tab is active, new expenses or payouts meeting the tabFilter criteria will automatically be added and ones no longer meeting the criteria will automatically be removed |
FILLING | The tab is new and we are still obtaining all expenses and payouts that meet the tabFilter criteria |
CLOSED | The tab is no longer active. The tab will contain the spend when it was closed. The tab will not be updated anymore. |
ERROR | The tab could not be calculated due to an issue with the tabFilter |